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Happy New Year!

We stand on the threshold of a new year. Most people generally look at the new year as a fresh beginning, as an opportunity to kind of start over, to overcome a habit, or do a better job of something they see as important and that needs improvement. It may be parenting, being a better spouse, losing weight (which, by the way, is the number one resolution according to polls taken). It may be developing different priorities, using our time better, or a whole host of things that people would like to change.

So, we usually hear a lot about New Year's resolutions, resolutions which are usually broken in a matter of weeks. Many people are very pessimistic about the whole issue of making resolutions, and rightly so, because so many good intentions are followed by a history of past failures.

But the new year is a time to reflect and think about what the past year has brought and what the new year could bring. It is a time to stop and analyze, to take stock of our priorities, values, pursuits, and goals. We need to ask questions like "Who am I, what am I doing with my life? What should I be doing as a Christian with my life and the stewardship God has given me?" After all, according to the Word of God, all of life is a stewardship--a stewardship of our time, talents, treasures, and God's truth. In other words, since God's plan and our stewardships revolve around and through the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, we need to ask ourselves "How well am I responding to the Savior and the spiritual life that He has given me? May this new year be one of increased love and commitment to our Savior.

Happiness depends upon your outlook on life. - Find the good in all situations

Attitude is just as important as ability.- Keep your attitude positive

Passion find yours this year! - Do what you love and you will never work

Positive thoughts make everything easier.- Stay focused and stay positive

You are unique, with special gifts, use them. - Never forget you have talents

New beginnings with a new year.

Enthusiasm a true secret of success.

Wishes may they turn into goals.

Years go by to quickly, enjoy them.- Wisdom from your elders, listen

Energy may you have lots of it. - Take care of yourself

Appreciation of life, don't take it for granted. - Live each day

Relax take the time to relax in this coming year.- Keep a balance in your life

God’s Blessing on your Journey!

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